Teacher Materials for Documenting Young Children's Work: Using Windows on Learning - Judy Harris Helm, Sallee Beneke, Kathy Stenheimer, Kathy Steinheimer
Teachers College Press (1998)
In verzameling

Teacher Materials

As the authors of "Windows on Learning" helped teachers who were learning to document, they developed many lists, short-cuts, and forms to assist teachers in implementing the ideas described in the book. In this companion booklet, "Teacher Materials", they share this material to speed up the process of learning to document, to reduce teacher preparation time, and to enable teachers to collect and display professional documentation the very first time they incorporate the exciting process of documenting into their own classrooms and teaching. The forms in this booklet may be photocopied for classroom use. Note to Course Instructors: "Teacher Materials" also lists course objectives with coordinated readings in "Windows" and assignments in "Teacher Materials" for incorporating documentation into assessment or curriculum courses or during practicum or student teaching experiences in early childhood education.

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Medium Paperback
Omslag Prijs € 9,95
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