What Do You Want? This is probably the most important question after “How may I be of service to you?” (or variations like “How can I help you?”, “Can I help you?” or “Need something?”)
What = Descriptive outcome (vision, dream, result or milestone) within a specific context.
Do = All necessary actions involving the move or transformation from the current to the desired situation
You = Identification and personal involvement with the new (desired) goal.
Want = Fulfillment of a specific need based on personal values and experience
As a coach my primary role is to clarify my clients challenges (one would normally call it problems but I prefer positive vocabulary in the line of Appreciative Inquiry). The question “What do you want?” sounds simple, but often a client really doesn’t know (exactly) what he or she wants: open or loose ends, obstacles and distracting thought-patterns get in the way of visualizing the desired outcome. Redefining underlying values, motives and acting-principles frequently result in a modified or different coaching-target during the intake.
Appreciative Coaching is based on the four stages of Appreciative Inquiry:
1. Discovery, 2. Dream, 3. Design and 4. Destiny.
[1] Focusing on what gives live (joy, passion and peak experiences), envision yourself as successful and create (envision) empowering perspectives and affirm a sense of the possible,
[2] give voice to the preferred future, what is the calling, what is the inspiration in your life? What would you wish for?
[3] Identify priorities, define success, affirm the reality of the dream, incorporate elements of the dream in daily life, experiment with aspects of the dream, mindful actions in the now.
[4] Recognize and affirm the dream in the present, expand the capacity to create the dream, reflect on the journey, support in holding faith, say Namaste (I bow to you) after transition / transformation, celebrate the dream in the present, reflection on the processes and preparation to move on.
Generic Appreciative Coaching principles are Constructionist, Simultaneity, Poetic, Anticipatory, and Positive.
Toine Fennis is a Life Coach using and exploring several techniques: AI (Appreciative Inquiry Coaching), EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and HRV (emWave Heartmath) biofeedback.
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