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Beschouwing van Zingeving

Metablog Beschouwing van Zingeving (Dutch) Wat kunnen wij weten, wat moeten wij doen en wat mogen wij hopen, luidt de formulering van Kant. Het gaat om de vragen ‘naar het vanwaar en waarheen van ons…

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Exchange Economics

Metamagazine Articles Most ways humans have of organizing are adaptations to scarcity and want. Each way carries with it different ways of gaining social status. The simplest way is the command hierarchy. In command hierarchies,…

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Solving Financial Problems & Money Affirmations

Metamagazine Articles Loose the negative associations with Money allowing yourself to own money (see Money Affirmations below) Practically there are basically only three ways to solve financial problems: increase income, decrease expenses, or adjust credit…

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Management Roles

Metamagazine Articles The primary role of management is to make it possible for teams to work. They also provide guidance and direction to work effort. The role of management in an organization is purely functional….

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Handige websites

Metablog Een aantal websites die ik handig vind: Planning & organisatie Opzeggen abonnementen (met voorbeeldbrieven) Referentielinks Wikipedia: World History Archive: Original post

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Visualization Tools

One of my main objectives in Research for MetaMagazine is to about exploration of information and visualizing information to enhance context and meaning and accessibility. Information is a container word with several meanings; Information can…

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Effective Scheduling

Metablog Effective Scheduling Plan Your Time. Make Time for Yourself. First look at your priorities and your goals – these define what you aspire to do with your time. Scheduling is where these aspirations meet…

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Visualization Tools

Metamagazine ArticlesLooking for ways to visualize information and meta-levels I found the following websites: A visual exploration on mapping complex networks: Interactive Knowledge Maps of Tools, Books, Researchers, Success Factors, and Methods in the Visualization…

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Libraries and our Information Society

Libraries are the cornerstones of our information society. It is very important to have accessible independent information resources available to preserve our knowledge. National Libraries like the Dutch Koninklijke Bibiotheek have an important task in…